Jon Law is the owner/founder. He started selling Ricohs in 1975 and owned his first copier dealership in 1980. He started ARIZONA COPIER OUTLET in 1986. Jon’s wife Leas, and daughter Angie, have been a vital part of the company for over 21 years. We are also veteran-owned and operated, as both Jon and Angie are veterans.
ACO Specializes in a MULTI-FUNCTION line-up of proven products for clients in Phoenix, Deer Valley, and Scottsdale, AZ! Ricoh is the reliability standard in the industry. They are truly workhorses. Ricoh owns Savin, Lanier & Gestetner. Ricoh sells more black and color copiers than anyone and has done so for the last 12 years. Ricohs are manufactured in Orange County, CA. All US machines are made in the USA. BUY LOCAL & MADE IN USA.
We complement our RICOH family of machines with several Konica Minolta, Savin, and Lanier choices for certain applications.
Our Concept
The Concept is Clear and Efficient. ACO buys 3 months to 4 years old Near New machines, and Totally Restores them to LIKE-NEW with new warranties. The discounts and savings are 50% – 80%. The Copier/Printers must pass a 90 Point Check List, and pass Super Copies. We put in 6 – 12 hours Labor for each unit to Fully Certify it is Near New.
The key to all of this is GREAT SERVICE & SUPPORT, and we pride ourselves in being very good. Fast Response and the Best Technicians in the Southwest earn us that claim.
Arizona Copier Outlet
Buy American – Buy Local – Buy Recycled
Family Owned & Operated Since 1986
Added Value for ACO Customers
- Fast & Responsive – Average response time within 4 hours
- Loaners – If needed for any problems, long or short term
- Creative Financing – Special terms available
- Restored to Like New Certified Condition – 3 months to 4 year old units with new warranty
- Rollover Credits – Any copies purchased on service plans that are not used are credited to customer, a customer never pays for unused copies
- I.T. Assistance Availalbe – For providing the best options for our customers
- 60% – 80% off list prices – Save with confidence since 1986
Periodic service inspections for best efficiency. 100% back-up available with outsourcing. Service available on location or in shop. Constantly earning the right to keep your business. Contact us today!
Guaranteed Satisfaction
Guaranteed 3 year performance with contract
Guaranteed parts and service for 5 years
Guaranteed equity for upgrading